A blended history of 9 publishing houses belonging to Hachette UK.
Consisting of 5,000 author names from 1768-2018 woven together in a fluid style referencing the Thameside location of Hachette's offices. New authors names are added every year, making the mural a living and growing homage to Hachette and its writers.
Hand-drawn, vectored and printed on CAD cut vinyl.
"A magical way to tell our story"
Clare Harington, Group Communications Director, Hachette UK
"A work of art that not only represents who we are but is the crowning glory in our beautiful building."
Clare Harington, Group Communications Director, Hachette UK
"A rare combination of creativity and forensic attention to detail"
Malcolm Edwards, Chairman, Gollancz
"I didn't think Carmelite House could get any better. It just has"
Tim Hely Hutchinson, Chairman, Hachette UK
"They understood our unique requirements"
Clare Harington, Group Communications Director, Hachette UK
"What a beautiful idea!"
Kate Mosse
The Bookseller